No fewer than 89 students will be ushered into the Nigerian labour market by the University of Lagos (UNILAG) at is convocation institution next week. Thefirst classgraduates are part of the total of9,729 graduateswho will be awarded their certificates at the 2012/2013 convocation of the institution scheduled for Wednesday June 11 To Thursday June 12, 2014. Speaking withnewsmenin Lagos, the Vice-Chancellor of UNILAG,Prof. Rahamon Bello,said there would be an award of first and higher degrees, diploma, certificates as well as prize giving at the ceremony. Prof. Bello’s breakdown shows that 482 students would graduate from the Faculty of Arts, 535 from Business Administration, 246 from Environmental Sciences, 209 from the Faculty of Law, 141 from the Faculty of Pharmacy, 420 from the Faculty of Education, 344 from the Faculty of Engineering, 655 from the Faculty of Social Sciences and 493 from the Faculty of Sciences. The College of Medicine, which comprises the Faculties of Basic Medica...