Significance of #Odimeji | Things to know about those born by the #odu
Odi-Meji children are blessed with a unique destiny, guided by the principles of Ifa. Here are some key characteristics and traits associated with Odi-Meji children: 1. Protection and Guidance: Odi-Meji children are protected and guided by Ifa through four major Odu: Eji-Ogbe, Oyeku-Meji, Iwori-Meji, and Odi-Meji. 2. Longevity and Prosperity: Odi-Meji children have the potential to live a long and prosperous life, blessed with good health, wealth, and a fulfilling family life. 3. Gratitude and Contentment: To achieve their full potential, Odi-Meji children must show gratitude to Olodumare and be content with their achievements in life. 4. Success in Multiples of Four: Odi-Meji children often experience success in multiples of four, acquiring four or more of the good things in life, such as children, houses, cars, and business ventures. 5. Local Environment: Odi-Meji children thrive best in their local environment and may not achieve the same level of success when they travel outside th...