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Various Classes of Ẹbọ Riru you should know as Ifa practitioner

A babalawo performing Ebo riru Credit: F.O.B Ẹ bọ is of the essence of the Ifá religion or let me say Yoruba religion as it is of every religion of the world has ever known. Unless we want to run away from the fact, every religion offers Ẹbọ to the Supreme Being one way or the other.   For example, the Muslims go on 30-days fasting, and after, they offer a ram as a sacrifice (ẹbọ).  The Christians also offer Chicken whenever it is Christmas. These are all forms of Ẹbọ whether we like it or not.

Must Read: Classes of Egbe (Heavenly Mate of Every Human)

Also known as Alaragbo in some areas of Yoruba land, Egbe is generally more associated with children than with adults according to Eji-Ogbe. Based on the character traits of human on Earth, the Yoruba have classified Egbe into different categories.