
Showing posts from July 14, 2016

Peace: Factors to be considered ( Ifa's perspective)

According to chambers 20th Century Dictionary, Peace is given a simplistic definition as a state of quiet, checkeedom from contention, ease of mind or conscience.  While peaceful means enjoying peace or tending towards peace. In Ifa, peace is further explained and described as a state of physical, Mental, social and spiritual well-being which in a balanced, accepted and peaceable form with the human and non human environment (animate and inanimate). According to ifa, peace is a much broader term that require balance and equilibrium with everything. The maintenance of peace actually begins first from within an individual which later permeates through the family and the society at large. For instance, the physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of a person are essential in the maintenance of peace in the society. If peace within oneself is not achieved, it will not only affects t the quality of life of that person but also society at large.