
Showing posts with the label Apetebi

Part two: Apetebi vs Iyanifa, All you need to know

Apetebi & Iyanifa The issue of Iyanifa and Apetebi has been on the deck for quite some time now. A lot had been written and said about these two concepts.  The last two times I checked my blog queries, Apetebi and Iyanifa made the list. The shows how people in the community are in dire need of valid information as it relates to both terms.   However, a few years back, I have blogged about Apetebi , which I believe put some light on the term to some extent.   In this article, authored by Chief Fakunle Oyesanya (Akoda of Ibeshe land ), enough light is illuminated on what seems to be the grey areas on both concepts. Read below:   Before we dwell on the subject, it will be good to know who an Apetebi is and who an Iyanifa is. It is after we have a clear understanding of these two concepts that we can really appreciate what they stand for.   Who is an Apetebi? A lot had been said and written on this subject. Most of the materials deal extensively on the origin of the name

Who is an Apetebi? : Her dos and don'ts

In Ifa, there are specific roles that had been prescribed for an apetebi to ensure the development of home, the community, and the nation as a whole in line with the dictates of Olodumare. According to Ifa, an apetebi is the wife of Ifa, and not necessarily, the wife of a Babalawo or an ifa practitioner. A woman may be advised to have the symbol of Ifa on her person in order to solve a specific problem in life or to accelerate to the realization of certain goals for her while the husband may not be an Ifa practitioner at all.