If you haven't understand what Ori is, then you should read this
Ori is a person's anatomical head which contains the brain. However IFA teaches that inside this physical head and apart from brain there resided another entity, a psychic impalpable force, that detertmines the individual's fortune in life. Ori is cognate with the European concept of destiny except that with ori there is a factor of personal responsibility influencing the net effect. Ipin ( a person's lot) Iponri (individual choice) Ayanmo (Allotment) Eleda( creative influence) are alternative names for Ori, describing various facets of this intriguing concept. For this reason it is not surprising that English equivalents offered by writers on the subject also vary in emphasis or nuance.. Lucas calls Ori "The owner of Lord of the Head", " The Spirit which brings Good Fortune", Fagbenro Bayioku calls it "The Real Ego", Idowu prefers " The Essence of Personality ", The Ego", " The inner Person ". Borrowing ...