Why your Ebo See Eight (8) Reasons riru is not working:

Person depress

There is always at least a reason behind every ebo. Reason which most of the time boils down to the fact that the person who offers the ebo wants to eliminate, perhaps find lasting solution to. 

People offer ebo for longevity, for wealth, well-being, for spouse, as regard their place of work only to mention a few among several reasons.

But it is quite unfortunate that even after putting the ebo to see the light of the day, the client problem still persist. This trend  leads the client to several thoughts, asking him or herself why the problem remains after heeding to the babalawo/Ifa advice to make ebo.

Well, I wouldn't blame such client for asking such question because he or she deserves to see the positive result of what he paid for or so.

However, possible answers to this question may be what I have provided below through the help of a prominent babalawo in one of the editions of the defunct Orunmila Magazine. 

Reasons are:

Picture of Ebo riru

1) Recognition of taboos:  

He or she may not recognize his taboos. This may not necessarily come about as a result of his refusal to abstain from eating what is tabooed for him but might be what he wears, his character, and many more. 

There is one question a veteran babalawo will ask Ifa if any clients problem persists for a long time. Question of if there is a taboo the client had broken or to stir off from.  The moment he recognizes the taboos and abstain from it or them, the problem will disappear.

In Otura Meji (No 13) Ifa advises Oba Ijado (king of Ijado), Oba Eselu Mogbe (king of Eselu Mogbe) to abstained from eating taboo, things changed for the better for them. 

Consequently, it is very important for everyone to know his or her taboos and avoid eating or doing them.

2) Wrong Prescription: 

A wrong prescription in terms of ebo may be given to the client. Ebo meant for victory may be prescribed for client whose only problem need that of well-being. 

In this wise, the problem will persist, but if the babalawo is quite versatile, he will recognize this because Ifa will reveal to him the prescription is wrong before it was embarked upon and if the ritual or ebo had already been offered, the next Ifa consultation will reveal the fact that a wrong prescription had been made initially.

An example is in Irosun-Meji (No 5) where the elders of igbo (an ancient town) and Ife (a town) had been offering a goat as ebo, the evil executioners had not left not until the appropriate ebo was given to them.

3) Failure to address the main problem: 

There may be some other occasions when a minor problem is being addressed while the major being ignored. 

In this case Ifa will blame people around the client and in particular the babalawo for not addressing the major problem. The main problem must be treated because that is why the client is before Ifa.

In Ika Meji (No 11), Ifa chides the elders in Ife for not taking more interest in the case of Fẹkúnwẹ̀ (she who bath with tears-drop) so as to assist in solving her major problem instead of handling the minor ones.

4) Uncommitment of the client :  

There are also situations where, even though the client concerned had offered ebo prescribed, he had been taking note and avoiding taboos but going about these with lack of seriousness. 

In other words, if he had been doing everything mechanically without the concomitant commitment then there is a tendency his ebo would be no avail. 

In the light of this, Ifa advises this client to show equal commitment, be faithful, hopeful and also prayerful as well. Consequently, all problems require seriousness of purpose to solve. Seriousness begets a serious attention from Ifa.

5). Unrealistic Request: 

Some people do not cut the cloth to their respective sizes, they ask for things that they themselves logically know cannot happen, they ask for what is in the second stage, third stage when they have not even achieved or get through the first stage. 

A person who prays to be rich must have a job/business doing before asking for wealth, a person who does not have wife should get one before he prays for a child.
However, prayers and the reason for making your ebo must be realistic because unrealistic request is just like waiting for an airplane in the train station.

6). Spiritual problem of Babalawo: 

Everyone including a Babalawo has a problem be it physical or spiritual he/she faces. Just because a Babalawo is saddled with the responsibility of solving other's problems doesn't make him a perfect being.  

This is why a Babalawo may also hinder the effectiveness of your ebo through his spiritual problem. A Babalawo whom with his ignorance had offended Iyamis (elders of the night) may be punished with failure. Everything such Babalawo does including offering ebo to his clients will yield no positive result until he appeases and  do what he ought to do to atone back. 

This is why a Babalawo must make consultation at all times to ascertain if everything is okay or if any has gone wrong in his life so as not to hinder that of those he wants to help. 

7). Failure of detailed process:
Ebo riru is a delicate spiritual task that requires a detailed process for it to manifest its effectiveness. If some part is omitted when executing, there is a tendency it might not manifest. 

A babalawo must always undergo full process of ebo riru no matter how many he does in a day. He must bear in mind that a "wishy-washy" ebo riru may result into no effect or whatsoever of the ebo and then leave the client in a psychological state of confusion if not depression.

8). Destiny/Time

Yes destiny. Destiny may also delay your ebo to manifest in time. Just because you have been offering ebo and yet to see positive result doesn't mean your ebo was not well executed. A person longing for wealth and had offered several ebo yet to see its outcome should have patience. When the time that conforms to his destiny presents itself, all the ebo he's been offering will manifest and ensure he finds solace in his endeavors.

Apart from the exceptions enumerated above, there is no problem that cannot be solved through ebo and rituals.


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